Buff! I´m clearly not having time for doing some free will stuff like this one I´m showing! Ok, this is another illustration which could be used as teaser pic or promo pic of the children´s book about the legend "El Miserere" I did. The style is different, I know, but I want to retain the mistery as I do in the book which is the main topic, if I didn´t say this before yet.
I just wanted to finish this illustration at all. So tired of it. Well, it´s no the best result but I want to finish it and mind in other ones.
This is a hint of a game with a zombie mode and has one of the best zombie maps ever. Yes, it´s "Mob of the dead"! So, where are we going when we don´t where to go? or we don´t know just because we are blinded by fear?
When you realise that even erasers have a very familiar face and they have the same depressing grin as you usually see in northern countries (not only in Kaķisland).
The bear is just priceless and the cow even more.