Wednesday 24 June 2015

34 Ways to feel better

Before reading the comic, read and follow what I made. After read this post lost in the surfaces of the internet about 34 ways for having a happy life:

También me topé con la versión traducida al español, para aquellos no muy duchos en inglés:

(I think I´m putting the blog on slippery ice attaching so many unaffiliated links...)
Wait, hang on! I decided to make a comic, a simple but expressive one (or so I think), about each of those steps to be "happy" in this life...
But...well, being a bit cynic with all this kind of posts, this comic shows how sometimes the goals can be harder to make them real, usually due the most stupid and cruel forms of things you could ever imagine.
Don´t get offended if some vignette could look rude against some colectives, think that the author has offended himself 34 times at once doing this. And in all case, the only offended should be the optimistic page where I get all these "ways to feel better".

Oh yes! This comic can be very useful to learn spanish (o aprender inglés si eres español):

I could have attached all the comic in just one long page, oh, really? Well, here in blogger it works better like this so you don´t have to zoom anything.

Tuesday 23 June 2015


Trabajos hechos para una empresa de imprenta que entre otros temas hace también comuniones.
Drawings about a spanish tradition done to 8 year old kids:

Friday 19 June 2015

Thursday 18 June 2015

A place to dream

I love caves. Yes! I should have been speleologist. Caves are awesome!
  ...Specially when they have surrealistic phosphorescent waters inside.

More Warhammer40k theme!

When someone likes something a lot...
A picture showing a battle between two factions of the famous role game Warhammer 40000: Eldars (they are space elves, everyone has the idea of what an elf is I think) and Necrons:

I´m having an existential crisis with the level options of Photoshop so I upload the original scan (down) and the one touched in Photoshop (up). Again.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Mother Portrait

This time the portrait is from a close person: My mother. Because she fights a lot:

Too many black vultures

One day with the radio turned on (in a supermarket) I heard one of the very few songs of the group Amaral that is respectably good (only 3 good while the rest are horrible, for my taste)...well, in the song there is a part that says (in spanish) "Forgive me, if it hurts you what I see. Too many black vultures. You are too good for them".
Well, that paragraph gave me an illustrated idea:
Original (up) and "too much Photoshoped!" (down):